Desktop Virtualization MADE Easy

SmartFlexTech DDS enables publishing Windows, Linux and Internet Applications via Virtual Desktops. They can be delivered within a private, hybrid or public cloud infrastructure. It maximizes performance and seamless delivery of your Applications and Desktops while giving you the choice of the source, be it a Linux or Windows Server or a hosted Web App from the Internet. DDS optimizes your IT infrastructure and platform licensing. SmartFleXTech DDS is powered by various Linux technology frameworks.
Client Devices
Generic End User Devices |
SmartFlexTech Thin Clients (Click picture for Information) |
Desktops and Applications can be delivered to Any Device, Anywhere where Internet is available or accessible. Choose your client from a HTML5 enabled Web Browser, a Native Client on Windows or Linux, a Thin Client or a SmartFLeX NETiON SmartClient, or a Mobile Device based on Android or iOS.
Virtual Desktops & Applications
Any Application – Applications from Windows-, Linux- or Web Application Servers are published for access by virtually any device. The Applications are installed, executed and delivered by their respective Windows*, Linux or Web App Servers, or published into the DDS environment by their respective WEB App Servers. Virtual Desktops are published either via the Windows Terminal Server or via the DDS Linux Desktop Environment.

DDS Session via Native Client
Desktop & Application Delivery
Windows and Linux Desktops – fully featured Windows RDS or Linux Virtual Desktops.
Portal Mode (coming soon) – integrate into your company intranet with icons for launching applications in a browser.
Local Desktop integration (coming soon) – dynamic desktop integration with seamless presentation just as if they were installed and running locally.
Kiosk Mode – locked down remote desktop restricting users to published applications and denying local program execution.
Personalized & On Demand
From Single-Line-Of-Business Applications to Rich Applications, different users have different requirements. DDS delivers personalized Desktops and Applications on-demand, integrated and seamlessly delivered to any DDS client device. For example, Virtual Desktops as a Linux Style Desktop or as a desktop window.
DDS Security
DDS provides a secure platform with SSL encryption, smart card support, and user privilege management that controls access to corporate data. It provides server-based exeution where only encrypted screen, keyboard and mouse data traverse the network, ensuring that data remain safe.
DDS Port Handling
Server and Client side ports can be made available to the Applications. Local client side devices, like printers and storage media can be accessed and used.
DDS Deployments

SmartFlexTech DDS is flexible enough to accommodate any business type: Small -, Mid- or Corporate size, no matter if you have 10 or 10,000 employees in one or many locations.
DDS Management & Administration
Central Management – fully featured web console for configuring and monitoring servers and users in a unified Admin Panel.
Delegated Administration – administrators can be delegated various levels of administration rights.
Integration – admin console can be integrated into other management frameworks.
Remote Support - Our support teams are trained to support customer needs from the server end to the client end, keeping your business operations up and running. SmartFlexTech Support will be there for YOU, no matter if you are a small, mid or corporate size business.
DDS Licensing
The DDS subscription program delivers affordable, annual or multi-year, concurrent users based plans with build-in volume discounts and available support level options. Discounted Educational and corporate large scale deployment licensing is available.
Technical Specifications are subject to change!